As a long-time fan and journalist covering the Dragonball franchise, I have always been fascinated by the series' villains and their complexities. However, when it comes to Dragonball Super, there is one antagonist who stands out as the most disappointing and poorly written character in the entire series: Jiren, the ultimate warrior from Universe 11.
Jiren's Lack of Teamwork:
One of the most frustrating aspects of Jiren's character is his lack of engagement and support for his teammates during the Tournament of Power. Throughout the tournament, Jiren spends an unnecessary amount of time meditating, seemingly indifferent to the struggles and potential erasure of his universe. As the strongest fighter in Universe 11, Jiren had a responsibility to actively participate and assist his fellow Pride Troopers in their battles. Instead, he remained distant and disengaged, leaving his teammates to fend for themselves against powerful opponents. I know what you’re going to say "Jiren was merely attempting to conserve his energy to improve his performance and secure victory in battle." However, this strategy proved pointless, as the power he so meticulously hoarded throughout the tournament ultimately failed to prevent his defeat in the end. Also, his decision not only put his universe at risk but also demonstrated a startling lack of leadership.
Jiren's Hypocritical Behavior:
Jiren's character is further tarnished by his hypocritical and irrational behavior, particularly in his interactions with Goku. In a shocking display of anger, Jiren lashes out at Goku for relying on his friends as a source of strength and motivation. Jiren's rage builds in him directing a powerful energy blast towards Goku's friends, attempting to eliminate them from the tournament for no apparent reason. This action not only contradicts Jiren's supposed values of justice and fairness but also paints him as a vindictive and malicious individual, willing to harm innocent bystanders to prove a point.
Jiren's Disregard for His Teammates in the Manga:
Even in the Dragonball Super manga, Jiren's disregard for his teammates is glaringly evident. When his comrades, Toppo and Dyspo, are on the brink of elimination at the hands of Frieza, Jiren chooses to stand idly by, allowing them to be knocked out of the tournament. This decision not only weakens Universe 11's chances of survival but also showcases Jiren's stunning lack of loyalty and concern for his team. As the leader and most powerful fighter, Jiren had a duty to protect and support his allies, yet he failed to do so in their most crucial moment.

Jiren's Downfall and Underestimation of Goku:
Jiren's downfall can be attributed to his ignorance and underestimation of Goku's ability to surpass his limits. Throughout the tournament, Jiren dismisses Goku's potential for growth and adaptation, believing that his own strength is unrivaled. This arrogance leads Jiren to challenge Goku's Ultra Instinct form, only to find himself outmatched and overwhelmed by the Saiyan's newfound power. In a stunning display of defeat, Jiren is sent crashing to the ground by Goku's Ultra Instinct Kamehameha, where he admits his own weakness and expresses a desire to be eliminated. This moment shows Jiren's inability to evolve as a fighter and a character.
Jiren's Final Battle and Elimination:
As a result of his poor decision-making and lack of teamwork, Jiren finds himself alone in the final stages of the Tournament of Power, facing off against Goku, Frieza, and Android 17. This three-on-one battle exposes Jiren's weaknesses as a strategist and a leader, as he struggles to overcome the combined efforts of his opponents. Despite his immense strength, Jiren is ultimately outmaneuvered and eliminated from the tournament, sealing the fate of Universe 11's erasure.
The Impact of Jiren's Character on the Tournament of Power Arc:
As a long-time Dragonball fan, I have to express my disappointment with Jiren as the main antagonist in Dragonball Super. Compared to the iconic villains we've encountered throughout the series, Jiren simply fails to measure up. His backstory feels recycled and adds little depth to his character, serving merely as a plot device for Goku to overcome. What's particularly frustrating is Jiren's complete disregard for teamwork, as shown by his blunt admission to Toppo that he only looks out for himself. This selfish attitude is especially annoying considering the high stakes of the Tournament of Power, where the fate of his entire universe hung in the balance. It's hardly surprising that Universe 11 met its demise, and Jiren has no one to blame but himself for his poor decisions and lack of personal growth.
Jiren's Missed Potential:
In summary, Jiren's character in Dragonball Super is a prime example of missed potential. His lack of teamwork, hypocritical behavior, disregard for his teammates, and lack of empathy and understanding consistently underscore his failings as an antagonist. As the primary villain of the Tournament of Power arc, Jiren's shortcomings significantly impact the overall narrative, contributing to a lackluster and unsatisfying conclusion even making Jiren just another character fans just want to see Goku battle again. Jiren had a lot of potential but with his bleak backstory and selfish motives in the Tournament of Power I’m afraid this makes him one of the worst antagonist in the super series.
This take on jiren is so accurate he has a boring back story and he doesn't understand the concept of teamwork but yet he's part of a team he shows no love or compassion for his teammates like you said he was just a character that they threw together for Goku to overcome and side note are we ever going to find out who the villain was that killed his parents 😒